Lynnessa Embersong

Lominsian Privateer

Name: Lynnessa Embersong
Age: 28
Gender: Female
Race: Highlander Hyur
Nameday: 31st Sun of the Second Astral Moon (3/30)
Height: Six Fulms
Eye color: Peach
Home: Limsa Lominsa
Profession: "Privateer"
Alignment: The highest bidder
Server: Balmung - Crystal

Scarred, tattooed, and standing at six fulms, Lynnessa cuts an imposing figure. The soft freckles that paint her nose and cheeks stand in stark contrast to the privateer's eyeatch, scars, and piercing cycloptic gaze. Whether it be on the deck of her ship, the tall battlements of Limsa Lominsa, or the dusty cobbled streets of Ul'dah, Lynnessa carried her steps with an exaggerated swagger. She was loud, both in personality and clothing. Image was everything, and the captain was nothing if not vain. She could be often found sipping overpriced drinks, clad in tailored, well-fitted coats and suits. She favored oversized weapons, more for intimidation than practical use. After all, why fight for gil when you can "convince" someone to hand it over outright?


General Themes

Lominsian politics, Maelstrom Diplomacy, crime, piracy, maritime adventures, and general debauchery.


"It's simple. You die, I get paid.

Lynnessa took her "trade" as a privateer very seriously. She often took contracts for Maelstrom, eagerly accepting large sums of gil to deal with the pirates that harassed merchant ships in Lominsian waters. However, rumor has it that she isn't quite always so benevolent. There have been multiple, (unfounded, she insists!) reports that her own crew regularly collects "protection tariffs" from unsuspecting ships that cross their path.Much of her work revolves around moving people and goods across the sea. Some may know her by her nickname "The Kraken," due to the fact that she somehow has a simultaneous hand in every port across the star. Lynnessa is heavily involved in what she affectionately dubs the "spice trade"; moving "hot" goods from one port to the next at exorbitant prices. It's where she's made the bulk of her fortune and she still oversees trading operations to this day.



  • Are you a mercenary looking for work? Lynnessa is always looking for freelancers!

  • Lynnessa is wanted by multiple parties, companies, and even city states. Perhaps you've tracked her down, or even found her by chance!

  • A combination of the previous two! Maybe you're a bounty hunter masquerading as a member of her crew. All for a chance to get closer to the notorious captain.

  • Are you a merchant looking to ship "special" goods? Illegal weaponry, expensive gems, even occult artifacts?

  • Lynn has a natural attraction to anyone with wealth or status. Rich heirs, nobility, successful entrepreneurs to name a few.

  • 28 they/them

  • 21+ only for all RP.

  • Timezone is PST. (GMT -7)

  • Primarily looking for longterm RP, though short one-offs are always fun.

  • Multi-para poster with an infatuation for purple prose.

  • May be tabbed out, /tell before any walkups please!

  • PLEASE: No creepy IC approaches. No OOC "emotes". If I see you type *cuddles* in asterisks OOC, I'm out.

  • Yes, there's a /c/, and you can have it if you ask real politely.

  • Discord info upon request!

Thank you for taking the time to read through my Carrd! I'm still fairly new to the world of Eorzea and FFXIV in general, but I'm taking the steps to learn! I've been RPing for about nine years, over a multitude of mediums and games. As a player, I enjoy sticking to established lore and try my best to follow the rules of the established universe as best as I can. I'm happy to accept any advice or tidbits of knowledge that you can impart on me so that I can make Lynnessa a more believable part of the FFXIV universe. While Lynnessa can be an antagonistic character at times, I'm the complete opposite OOCly. If you find that she's too abrasive, don't be afraid to send a /tell and speak up. As a reminder, remember that IC=/=OOC. Be cool, and I'll be happy to swap my Discord info with you after we get to know each other.

CURRENTLY NOT OPEN FOR ERP. THIS PAGE IS LEFT FOR ARCHIVAL PURPOSES.Beneath her coat lay a body molded by a lifetime at sea. Her form was defined by dense musculature, with strong arms, toned thighs, and a solid abdomen. Her shoulders were dotted with freckles, her body latticed with scars and bullet wounds. With a natural smirk and a rounded rear, the captain knew exactly what she had. She'd be lying if she didn't say she had a bit of an ego over it.
So! I'm generally open to the idea of mature RP/smut. It's not much of a secret, and it's been a part of my writing forever. I'm open to the idea of one shots, long term relationships, and really anything in between. Naturally, I want our characters to have chemistry, and I have a few ground rules I'd like to lay down before moving forward.

  • I don't interact with minors. This is standard for all my RP, but goes double so for ERP.

  • IC/OOC separation is mandatory. I am not Lynn. She isn't me.